Spectrum Sensing and Sensing Driven Networking (December 18, 2020)


Dinesh Bharadia, UCSD


Suman Banerjee, Univ. Wisconsin


Workshop Topic: With ever increasing data-rate requirements for different applications, regulatory authorities have released spectrum across the board from sub-6 GHz to THz. The introduction of new bands from sub-6 GHz to THz that are already in use by various agencies for technologies like Navy radar,  radio astronomy, and many more requires coordination and sensing with existing technologies. The network design needs to undergo a transformation from following communication protocol to sensing the spectrum and using it cautiously without causing interference to existing technologies. Furthermore, such co-existence needs to be conducted at network scale, not just at node level. This planning workshop will explore ideas and challenges for networked sensing architectures using mobile spectrum sensors and include discussion on how to build communications infrastructure where spectrum sensing data play a key role.

Workshop Goals:  This workshop will solicit input from participants from multiple academic institutions as well as industry and government agencies to identify the most pressing network design challenges and explore ideas on how to overcome those challenges through research, industry, and community partnerships and collaboration.

What would you like to learn from this workshop? Submit a workshop question here.

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